Hostel rules

The school's purpose for the dormitory operation

The school's primary purpose for letting is to ensure good living conditions for students. Through rules, personal presence and follow-up, the school must ensure a safe and good social community. Everyone who rents a dormitory has a responsibility to contribute to this. The tenant must familiarize himself with the information, rules and guidelines that apply to the dormitories and the boarding school, - and attend joint meetings.

Lease contract between Senja videregående skole and students as tenants

The lease is entered into between Senja videregående skole and the tenant. The tenancy is linked to the tenant having student status at the school. If a tenant stops attending school, or attends rarely, the contract will be considered terminated. The rental contract normally has a 1- one- month mutual notice period. Very serious violations of the rental regulations can lead to the rental contract being terminated with immediate effect. If minor tenants terminate the lease, the termination is only valid after both the tenant and the guardian who entered the contract have signed the termination. The principal, or the person he authorizes, can terminate the lease on behalf of the school.

Dormitory and common areas, cleaning and responsibility

The tenant is responsible for keeping their room and common areas clean and tidy. Own equipment for washing must be brought by the individual resident.

Very much mess in the dormitory and lack of washing in the common areas or rooms can lead to the termination of the lease. Room cleaning/communal cleaning must be carried out every week and must be approved by the staff. During this check carried out by the staff, the pupils must be present. Non-attendance is listed as non-approved cleaning. The tenant is also responsible for clearing around the dormitories/boarding house and any necessary snow removal (applies to dormitories). The house/corridor union representative is responsible for this happening. The dormitory and common areas must be cleaned by the tenant and inspected by the staff when moving out. Before moving out, cleaning must be approved by the staff. If the cleaning is not approved before moving out, the tenant may be invoiced for cleaning the room/dormitory and allocated area.

Common provisions

At the start of school, the staff ensures that the tenants elect a union representative. It must also be elected a deputy union representative for each dormitory/boarding corridor. The representative must be the tenants' contact person for the boarding school manager and the school's management in housing matters.

For the boarding school

The union representative is responsible, among other things, for submitting a wish list for food to the canteen, ensuring order in common rooms and otherwise assisting the staff when necessary.

For the dormitories

The tenants must jointly, under the leadership of a union representative, organize the division of labor for joint tasks regarding the following:


  1. Set up rotations for use of the kitchen and organize a laundry/cleaning list
  2. Make sure that the homework time is respected
  3. Set up rotations for cleaning and order in common rooms, as well as a laundry list
  4. Make rules for the use of washrooms
  5. Organize cleaning around the house and snow shoveling
  6. Organize internal rules and other tasks which it is natural for the residents to solve themselves, and which fall outside the regulations

The routines that the tenants set up must be approved by the boarding school manager. If a tenant does not want to follow up on the joint tasks, the lease can be terminated.


Parking must take place in designated spaces.


The tenants are jointly responsible for ensuring that peace and order always prevails inside and outside the dormitory/dormitory house. When playing music, consideration must be given to other residents, and to the times below. In the event of a breach of the rules, sanctions may be imposed and the contract may also be terminated.

Between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. there must be general quiet for homework time. Tenants and outsiders must respect homework time. The staff ensures that the homework time is observed.

Visitors must be out of the rooms and the building no later than 11 p.m. This applies to both other boarding/dormitory house residents and visitors from outside. For visitors from outside, it is also not permitted to stay in the outdoor area itself after 11 p.m.

The outer door is locked by the last person to leave the dormitory. After 11 p.m. the outer door must always be locked. This is out of consideration for the tenants' assets and security. In the boarding school, the doors are locked automatically.

It should be quiet after 11 p.m. and everyone should be in their own rooms.


Accommodation of guests is only permitted in exceptional cases and if the head of the boarding school allows it. Guests must also follow the regulations for boarding schools and dormitories, and may, like residents, be liable for damages in the event of damage or vandalism.

Accommodation in shared rooms is not permitted, neither for tenants nor guests.

It is not permitted to have visits from fellow students or others in the dormitory/boarding house during school hours.

There is no opportunity to visit dormitories or boarding schools during the first two weeks at the start of school. Exceptionally, visits can be arranged with the Head of Boarding School or the staff.


It is not permitted to store weapons and ammunition in dormitories or common areas. By contacting the school office, you can get permission to store firearms and ammunition in the school safe.


Pets are not allowed in the dormitory/boarding house. Guide dogs for the blind and partially sighted are not considered pets.


The tenant is responsible for getting up and going to school on time. Illness must be reported to staff and the school as soon as possible by telephone. In case of illness, students must go home if possible.

The student is not entitled to a reimbursement of meals in the event of illness (absence from boarding school) that lasts less than 3 days. In the event of an absence of more than 3 days, a sick note/doctor's note must be provided if board allowance is to be refunded.

Alcohol and other drugs

It is not permitted to use/store alcohol, other drugs, or user equipment in dormitories/boarding schools or on the school grounds. It is also not permitted to appear in a state under the influence of alcohol/drugs in the boarding school/dormitory house and on the school grounds. The tenant is responsible for ensuring that alcohol, other drugs, packaging, empty goods, or user equipment are not found in their own dormitories or communal areas.

Being present in rooms where alcohol or other drugs are consumed is perceived as participation and is considered a breach of the regulations. Alcohol that is found will be confiscated and emptied. Packaging or other items linked to drug use will be taken as evidence of drug use. (Finding empty goods/packaging from drugs in the individual's room will therefore be sufficient for expulsion or dismissal).

If the use or possession of drugs is suspected, the police will be contacted.

Violation of this rule results in expulsion/dismissal.

Smoking and snuff

Smoking, e-cigarettes and the use of snuff are not permitted in boarding schools and dormitories, or on the school premises. Violation of the ban may result in dismissal.

Fire safety

Everyone who lives in a dormitory must act responsibly to avoid the risk of fire. For safety reasons, residents who spend the night at home/elsewhere must notify staff of this. Tenants are obliged to learn themselves the fire instructions.

Fire protection equipment is for the safety of the residents, and must under no circumstances be used for anything other than in the event of a fire.

Fixed equipment must under no circumstances be covered or destroyed.


The landlord, usually represented by the boarding school manager/staff, has access to the rooms without the tenant being present. This is primarily for the safety of the tenants in the event of illness. The rule also applies in case of justified suspicion of unregulated conditions. By knocking or verbally, the employee must clearly signal that someone wants to come in. If the tenant stays in the room, but fails to answer, the person concerned must expect that employees can lock themselves in the room in such cases as described.

Weekends and holidays

Dorms are closed on weekends and all holidays. Tenants who live outside Troms and Finnmark county can be granted a dispensation by the boarding school manager. Others can be granted a dispensation in special cases after a reasoned application.


The tenant commits to pay rent on time. Failure to pay may result in expulsion and/or termination of the contract. Normally, the rent is paid one month in advance.

Those who do not pay the set amount when due will be terminated from their boarding school with 14 days notice.

Violation of the regulations

The Principal, or the person he authorizes, has the authority to expel tenants from the boarding school and dormitories in case of breach and/or repeated breach of these regulations.

Moving out in holidays

During holidays, the tenant must leave the dormitory on the same day that school ends. The boarding school/dormitory houses are closed during the summer holidays. The tenant must normally move out at the end of school in the spring, as the contract states. The tenancy (contract) normally ends on the same day that school ends in the spring.

Before moving out, the room and common areas must be cleaned by the tenant and inspected by the staff. If cleaning is not approved upon moving out, costs for missing washing will be invoiced to the resident.

Compensation obligation

The tenant must compensate for damage/vandalism or defects caused to the dormitory or common areas. Tenants who live in the same dormitory are jointly and severally responsible for the furniture and equipment of the common rooms that are shared by the residents of the house, if no information is provided that links to a specific person.

In the event of loss of keys/cards, there will be an additional charge for issuing a new one.

Boarding/dormitory houses are not responsible for the loss of valuables. It is therefore important that the tenant always locks the room/house when he/she leaves it.


Regulations updated June 2024.