Key information 2022-2023

12 Student council

The student council is the students’ body in the school democracy. Each class is represented, elected by the class with a personal substitute. The working language of the student council is Norwegian.

In order to make the school democracy work, it is of vital importance that the students elect their representative after careful considerations and use this body to help us create the best school possible. The class representative is the link between your class and the rest of the school community. The school hopes that the students use their voice actively. The class representative is the voice of the class, and (s)he will give a reference to the students about the things that have been discussed in the student council.

In matters concerning the class, the student representative and the Head teacher of the class will have a close cooperation.

Jeroen Wieffer is the teacher responsible for the student council and will help the council when needed. The student council can also ask for meeting with representatives of the school administration.

The student council also organizes the Haiti Day – a day where all students of the school do fundraising for Project Haiti by working for a day and donating the money to Project Haiti which runs two schools in Haiti. The students have, in addition a Haiti Group that do voluntary work – among other things, collect bottles for Haiti.