Fagvalg 2023-2024

5 International Baccalaureate

IB gir både generell og spesiell studiekompetanse.

Elevene velger alle sine seks fag fra tabellen under. Fagene i de fem faggruppene tilbys på standard level (SL- tre timer i uka) og higher level (HL – fem timer i uka). For å få Diplomet må eleven ha fag fra gr 1-5, tre på SL og tre på HL. I stedet for Arts i gruppe 6 kan eleven velge et ekstra fag fra gruppe 1-5

Subjects IB
- - HL SL
Group 1 First language * Norwegian A Literature * English A: Language and Literature * English A: Language and Literature * A Literature: self-taught, language * Russian A: Literature
Group 2 Second language * English A: Language and Literature * Norwegian A: Literature * Norwegian B * English B * Norwegian B * Russian ab initio English A: Language and Literature * English B
Group 3 Individuals and Society * History * Global Politics * History * Global Politics
Group 4 Experimental Sciences * Chemistry * Physics * Biology * Chemistry * Physics * Biology
Group 5 Mathematics * Mathematics AI * Mathematics AI
Group 6 Arts * Music * Music

The school reserves the right to cancel a subject if there are insufficient numbers to make up a group.

The following subjects are mutualle exclusive (parallellagt):

  • Chemistry and History
  • Physics and Biology
  • Norwegian B and Norwegian A
  • Music and Global Politics
  • Self-taught A/Russian A and English HL

I tillegg til de tradisjonelle fagene, er “core components” obligatorisk. «Core» består av ToK – Theory of Knowledge, CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service og Extended Essay. Se www.ibo.org eller skolens hjemmeside for mer utførlig informasjon.

Krav til vitnemål for elever som velger IB:

Students take written examinations at the end of the programme. Students also complete assessment tasks during the last year of school. Assessment is partly done by external examiners.

The points on the Diploma is made up by adding all six subject grades plus points on the core subjects (not more than 3 points). A grade in a subject (1-7) is made up by

  1. Internal Assessment IA (around 25 %) and
  2. External Assessment EA (around 75 %).


The IB Diploma is awarded to students that meet the following requirements,

  1. The candidate has not received a penalty for academic misconduct from the Final Award Committee.
  2. The candidate’s total points are 24 or more.
  3. The Core requirement must be met
  4. There is no grade 1 awarded in a subject/level.
  5. There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (HL or SL).
  6. There are no more than three grade 3s or below awarded (HL or SL).
  7. Average grade on HL must be 4 or better.
  8. Average grade on SL must be 3 or better

The highest total that a Diploma Programme student can be awarded is 45 points.

University access

In Norway, the IB Diploma is valued as an equivalent to the Norwegian system.

Access to Norwegian Universities without the Diploma: A certificate with 20 or more points can give access to open studies at Norwegian universities if all other requirements are met. For more information, see www.samordnaopptak.no under the section “utenlandsk utdanning”. Please note that universities in Norway also have language requirements (English and Norwegian).